“All body systems would be immobilised without the nervous system. It controls and regulates every bodily activity down to the workings of the tiniest cell.”
The Nervous System…
Your nervous system is your body’s command centre and communication system. Consisting of a complex network of nerves and cells that carry messages to and from the brain and spinal cord to various parts of the body.
The nervous system helps all the parts of the body to communicate with each other by reacting to changes both outside and inside the body. Originating from your brain, it controls your movements, thoughts and automatic responses to the World around you as well as controlling other body systems and processes such as digestion, breathing and sexual development.
The autonomic nervous system is divided in to the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest state) and the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight response). Both the 2 systems are necessary and work in opposite ways to regulate the body’s function.
However, with the World we live in, many of us are overactive in our ‘fight or flight’ state experiencing ‘sympathetic dominance’ due to increased levels of stresses, fears and anxieties.
The ‘fight or flight’ response was actually intended as a survival mechanism to allow mammals, including humans to react quickly to a situation that was life-threatening however today the human body has the same response to non life-threatening stressors that cause high levels of anxiety!
Having the tools to help you dip more into your parasympathetic nervous system and to release stress and anxieties is now more important than ever. Below are 20 ways to help you start…
1. Start taking cold showers
Cold showers stimulates your immune system by increasing the white blood cells in the body which protect against diseases.
2. Take a Yoga class that fits what you need
If you are in ‘sympathetic dominance’ which is considered to be an imbalance in how your nervous system controls your body, you are considered to be stuck in the ‘fight or flight’ mode. Doing slow and nourishing Yoga classes like Restorative will help you to feel more relaxed and to slow the heart rate down.
You can also try child’s pose, reclined bound angle, legs up the wall and a supported bridge pose to help provide a sense of calm.
3. Breathwork
Using breath work as well as meditation is a clinically proven way to release stress and to drop more into your parasympathetic nervous system or ‘rest and digest’ state. Start by trying alternate nostril breathing or inhaling for 4 and exhaling for 8 for a few rounds.
4. Support your sleep cycle
A part of healing comes with balancing and honouring a regular sleep pattern. Sleep deprivation leads to health problems and increased stress so start supporting yourself by balancing your circadian rhythm.
Circadian rhythms are 24 hour cycles that are part of your body’s internal clock carrying out essential functions and processes. Your sleep-wake cycle is one of the most important!
5. Practice mindfulness over multitasking
Block out times to do 1 piece of work. Leave your phone in another room. Practice doing 1 thing at a time rather than multiple. Bringing our awareness on 1 thing we are doing rather than multiple not only increases the effectiveness of what we are doing but also releases the stress of anxiously trying to get more than we can handle done.
6. Be within nature
The Earth is a gigantic magnet. Its electromagnetic field which protects all life has a natural frequency or 7.83 hz also known as the ‘Schumann Resonance”. 7.83 hz is also our alpha brain wave’s frequency which is a state which promotes relaxation. Reduce your daily overload to manmade signals such as phones, laptops, radiation from the outside World and walk outside to tune in to nature’s signal!
7. Get a massage
Massages move toxins and lymph throughout the body subsequently releasing any stress, tiredness and stagnant energy within. Aim to get a massage once a month, for an hour.
8. Eat well
Many people with ‘sympathetic dominance’ have digestion and elimination issues. This can be overcome by eating the right food as close to as nature intended, good eating habits and whole food supplements. This will heal and support the digestive system.
Did you know that your brain takes about twenty percent of our daily energy intake? This means the food we eat effects our brain.
Start by eating a balanced diet that includes good levels of B-12, D vitamins and healthy fats. Fish, which are high in omega-3 fatty acids, green leafy vegetables and sea vegetables have also been shown to be calming to the nervous system. -
9. Reduce stimulants
Another part of eating well and helping your nervous system is by reducing your intake of stimulants such as caffeine and sugar. If you have a lot of caffeine or sugar daily, start step by step and maybe reducing in small amounts.
10. Balance your metabolism
Balancing your metabolism helps to eliminate toxic metals and restore the autonomic to optimal functioning. Balancing your oxidation rate means increased energy production and energy efficiency in the body. Having a balanced metabolism provides an optimum physical and chemical environment in which millions of your enzymes can function best.
11. Detoxify your body
The human body is naturally self-healing, however the World we live in means we are loaded with toxic chemicals from the food we eat, water we drink and shower with as well as electrical devices we use. Having tools that you use regularly to detoxify your body with will help your nervous system but also your body generally.
Some ideas you could try include using a infrared lamp sauna, foot reflexology, chiropody, use a salt lamp in your home, use water filters, use EMF protectors for your electrical devices.
12. Lead a whole and balanced lifestyle
Balancing our nervous system and the health of our bodies comes with consistency.
Think rest and sleep. Earlier to bed. Learn to slow down your thinking, eating and moving. Start each day slowly and mindfully. Take walks outside. Deep breaths. Use essential oils. -
13. Stay hydrated
The human body is made up of 70-80% water yet many of us do not get enough water and are often dehydrated. Staying hydrated means your nervous system can easily communicate with the body; as it is designed to do. Staying hydrated means your brain functions optimally too.
14. Keep your spine healthy
Consisting of the brain and spinal cord, the central nervous system is the powerhouse and the main communication centre of the whole body. From their deep roots within the spinal cord, your spinal nerves spread out to serve every part of your system. In the cord, intercommunication happens, impulses travel fast up and down sensory and motor fibres to and from the brain so keeping your spine healthy is key.
When your spine is not in appropriate alignment, the messages that are carried through the spine are interrupted and delivered slower. Regularly seeing a Chiropractor may be able to help you.
15. Expose your body to sunlight
Studies have shown us that sun reduces the risk of suffering a broad range of health conditions. It is one of the best ways of looking after the health of the central nervous system. Exposing yourself to the sunlight every day for about 10 minutes can help you boost your vitamin D and to nourish your nervous system.
16. Walk barefoot
Walking barefoot allows the human body to connect to the Earth which can aid the nervous system, improve your health as well as physiology. Walking barefoot has also been shown to strengthen the immune system plus many other benefits!
17. Protect yourself from traumatic situations
Difficult experiences, events and trauma can build up unwanted energy which doesn’t serve us in the nervous system.
Be mindful of who you spend your time with, what you do and how your body reacts to these experiences. Remember, your body is always speaking to you! -
18. Eat more healthy fats
Your brain and nervous system loves healthy fats! The nerve cells are wrapped in a protective coating called Myelin and evidence has shown that increasing your uptake of healthy fats can stop the erosion of it.
Healthy fats can include avocado, nuts and fish for example.
19. Take a break
Our Society glorifies “pushing ourselves non stop” rather than sharing the benefits long term of resting and relaxing. When we do rest, many of us scroll on social media or watch TV which can still be too stimulating.
Your nervous system truly craves space and silence.You could try the below:
∙yoga nidra
∙float therapy
∙restorative yoga
∙listen to calming music -
20. Hug more
Hugging and cuddling is known to release endorphins and oxytocin, also known as the “love hormone” ultimately helping with stresses and anxieties.
The Vagus Nerve…
The reason we have a mind-body connection.
Another key part and major way your brain and body communicates in the parasympathetic nervous system is through the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve influences your breathing, digestive function and heart rate all of which can have a huge impact on your physical and mental wellbeing!
Starting to pay attention to your vagal tone which is an internal biological process that represents the activity of the vagus nerve can really help to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and help you relax quicker after stresses.
The vagus nerve begins at the brain stem and connects to all our major organs such as the heart, stomach, lungs and kidneys. It plays a huge role in our body, our immune system function, releasing of stress & how we deal & recover with it as well as digestion.
A balanced vagus nerve means a calm heart rate, a feeling of overall wellbeing, reduced inflammation, quick recovery from stress and a deeper mind-body connection. Vagus nerve dysfunction may show symptoms of chronic fatigue, depression, digestion problems, increased inflammation in the body and issues with concentration.
How to strengthen your vagal tone:
Alternate nostril breathing and/or diaphragmatic breathing
Cold showers
Movement and exercise
Address your gut health
Sing, hum or chant
Omega-3 Fatty acids
Essential Oils
By Olivia Annalise - September 2021
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